FOCUS ON KIDS is a Netherlands-based non profit assisting the underprivileged and disadvantaged in South Africa
About us and Our Mission
We are a non-profit, Christian-based volunteer group with a mission to serve the poor, the needy, and the suffering with a special emphasis on the needs of children, their families, and their environment.
We endeavor to meet the emotional, spiritual, and physical needs of children.
We are committed to programmes that provide training and resources to enhance positive values.
We invest in today’s children—the leaders of tomorrow—to inspire, change, and give hope for a better future. In this way we seek to give a tangible sample of God’s love.
We Make a Difference by Providing
• Educational and character building material
• Guidance and services to youth at risk
• Collection and distribution of humanitarian aid
• Comfort and care for the sick and those in crisis
• Assistance and support for the disadvantaged and handicapped