

If you would like to donate and be a part of making life better for these little ones, please know each donation – big or small –  is much appreciated! To put it in perspective, minimum wage in South Africa is about €0.70c an hour.
So your help DOES make a difference!
South Africa faces numerous challenges – water shortages, lack of sufficient electricity, high levels of crime and unemployment (unemployment stands currently at almost 30%!) plus the devastating effects on healthcare and economy from the CoViD-19 outbreak. With your help, we can bring food, educational supplies, and hope to many vulnerable children and families who would otherwise be out of options. Thank you so much for your consideration!


Account Name: Stichting Focus on Kids

Account Number: NL4 9IN GB0 007 385 203

Thank you again for your willingness to help us help others! It’s certainly more of a rare trait these days. We appreciate it, and so do all those you’re a part of helping! – All at Focus on Kids

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